
Trans Rochester Speaks

Trans Rochester Speaks is a site which brings digital form to Benjamin Eshlemen's work showcasing the oral histories of trans people in Rochester, New York. It showcases stories of individuals talking about their lives, speaking on topics relative to the community, it also has a timeline of trans history and a glossary of relevant terms.

This was a multidisciplanary team consisting of a designer, developer, digital historian, and photographer. The target audience for this project was tablet users at the ImagineRIT festival, highlighting Ben's work and the digital humanities department.


Dynamic Site Architecture

The website was developed using handlebars.js to handle the data heavy site. This allowed the flexibility to rearrange content and update copy as the site was developed while content was still being finalized. The single page setup of this content heavy site would lend itself quite easily to an update into reactjs.

Lessons learned include: Handling page load for audio and large image files, and a need for improved responsive design on mobile, due to the short timeline of the project and a unique target audience of tablet users for the festival itself.
